Ancient Egypt

Importance To Modern World

 Ancient Egyptians spoke, worshiped the gods, understood the nature of the physical world, organized their government, made their livings, entertained themselves, and related to others who were not Egyptian.  They still use shaduffs in present Egypt. A shaduf is a basket like tool. It brings water out and hangs over the surface. Ancient Egypt also divided their land into two regions. The two regions were named the Red and the Black land. The Red land protected Egypt from two sides. The Black land was where the organized government and where the pharoh (like the president but with all the power)was.

The 365 Calendar and The Three Seasons

They also invented the calender to keep track of their crops so they know when to harvest the crops.They used the calendar to keep track on yearly flooding and their three seasons.One of the great seasons was the Inundation.Then the other three seasons was the Emergence and Harvest.Plus, we use the our 365 calendar but Egyptians were the first to have a calendar.