Ancient Egypt


The Mummies

Making mummy, or preserved body,took about seventy days.First,the Egyptians removed all the internal organs,except for the heart,and placed them in special containers .They left the heart in their body because they believed that all thinking took place in there.Next they covered the body with powdered salt to dry it out and prevent it from decaying then they rubbed the dried out body with special oils .Finally they wrapped the body from head to toe in linen cloth,the mummy was then ready to be placed in their tombs.


 They had developed writing.They only knew 700 words in pictures . Ancient Egypt invented pyramids and papyrus .Papyrus plants from the Nile River .There ink was made with black powder from smoke mixed with water . Egypt's weakness attracted a series of invaders .During the next 700 years ,more than ten dynasties ruled Egypt. 
