Ancient Egypt

Technology:The Shaduf

This is how the Ancient Egyptians used the shaduf.
     To begin with, Egyptians technology was a shaduf. A shaduf is a device that has been used in Egypt since early times to get water for the irrigation.They are a machine to move water from a lower place to a higher place. The shaduf's are a large pole that is  balanced on a crossbeam,then a rope and bucket on one end and a heavy counter weight at the other.Then when the shaduf is placed into the water and gets full the shaduf is lifted ,and then placed into a canal or field to water the crops. Also the shadufs are still used in rural parts of Egypt.These were very helpful to Egyptians and quicker.This was their amazing shaduf technology.

Innovations : The 365 Year Caendar and The Three Seasons

The 365 Year Calendar:

One of the Egyptians innovation was a 360 year calendar.But they had a 365 system because in the beginning of the year there was five additional days.Each year there will be four months with thirty days.These five days were times when the Egyptians had great celebration and feasting.The calendar corresponded on the phases on the moon.Also the calendar helped the Egyptians know what season their in.

The Three Seasons:

The three seasons were also one of their innovations.One of their seasons was the Inundation.Inundation is the season when the land received a fresh supply of kemet from the floodwaters that covered the farmlands.Emergence, or known as the growing season followed Inundation.It was the time when the land emerged from beneath the waters.As the season began, farmers plowed and seeded the rich soil.The final season was Harvest which came right behind Emergence.Harvest was the time when the crops were ready and produced.